Glossary P

- P.
- Perforante — armour piercing. Used for smaller calibres up to 25mm. (French)
- P.
- Pesante — heavy. (Italian)
- P
- Podkalibernij — sub-calibre (APCR projectile). Suffix used for Soviet ammunition nomenclature. (Russian)
- P
- polkovaya — regimental. This is to distinguish the SU–76 built in Leningrad and armed with the 76mm regimental field gun obr. 1927 from other SU–76s. (Russian)
- (p)
- polnische — Polish. (German)
- Pak
- Panzerabwehrkanone — anti-tank gun. (German)
- Panzerjäger
- Panzerjäger — tank hunter. Used to designate units equipped with SP ATGs. (German)
- Patr.
- Patrone — cartridge. Implies a fixed round. This is part of the full nomenclature of all German fixed rounds but is often dropped for brevity (e.g. Pzgr.Patr.40 becomes Pzgr.40). (German)
- P.A.W.
- Panzerabwehrwerfer — anti-tank gun (smoothbore). (German)
- P.J.K.
- Panzerjägerkanone — anti-tank gun. (German)
- PM
- Pistolet Mitrailleur — sub-machine gun. (French)
- PR
- Projectile de Rupture — armour piercing projectile. This seems to be used for AP/HE projectiles, whereas solid shot AP projectiles seem to use the term BR. The acronym OR can also be used for both AP and AP/HE projectiles. (French)
- przeciwpancerny
- przeciwpancerny — anti-tank. (Polish)
- P.T.
- Perforante, Traçeuse — armour piercing, tracer. Used for smaller calibres up to 25mm. (French)
- Pz.B.
- Panzerbüchse — anti-tank rifle. (German)
- Pz.Bef.Wg.
- Panzerbefelswagen — armoured command vehicle. (German)
- Pzgr.
- Panzergranate — armour piercing shell. (German). This is either a general term for any German armour piercing projectile, or a specific term for an AP or APC projectile. Some Panzergranate are categorised by number and these categories are:
Pzgr.36(t) — Panzergranate (tsechisch). This is a captured Czech APC projectile used by the Germans.
Pzgr.39 — Panzergranate 39. This is a German APC or APCBC projectile. It appears from photographs (e.g., Jentz, Thomas L: Tank Combat in North Africa p.51) that the 5cm Panzergranate 39 projectile is an APC projectile. All other Panzergranate 39 are APCBC projectiles.
Pzgr.40 — Panzergranate 40. This is an APCR projectile.
Pzgr.41 — Panzergranate 41. This is an APCNR (squeeze bore) projectile.
Pzgr.43 — Panzergranate 43. This is an APCBC projectile.
- Pz.Kpfw.
- Panzerkampfwagen — tank. (German)
- Pz.Sprgr.
- Panzer Sprenggranate — armour piercing high explosive shell. This is a German AP projectile. (German)
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