Glossary V

- V
- Vystrel — shot. This is to distinguish separate loading ammunition from single piece (cartridge loading) ammunition. Prefix used for Soviet ammunition nomenclature. (Russian)
- Vickers Diamond Hardness. A measurement of the hardness of a material. VDH uses a diamond for the penetrator so that it can measure to a higher hardness than the Brinell Hardness Test. More information on the measurement of armour plate hardness is in the Background Information section.
- VE
- Victory in Europe. 8 May 1945. This day marked the unconditional surrender of Germany in World War II.
- vz.
- vzor — model. (Czechoslovakian)
- Vorpanzer
- Vorpanzer — spaced armour. This was fitted to some of the Pz.Kpfw.IV kz Ausf.F (F1) from February 1942. It differed from Zusatzpanzerung because it was spaced from the underlying armour, whereas Zusatzpanzerung was fitted directly onto the armour underneath. Vorpanzer was designed to defeat 105mm HEAT projectiles, and to strip off the piercing caps of APC and APCBC projectiles which would then shatter on the FH armour behind. It also caused any HE filler in such projectiles to detonate prematurely. (German)
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