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Gr.38 Hl and Gr.39 Hl — Granate Hohlladung. This is the original design for German hollow charge projectiles. It had a deep conical cavity, a short ogive, and a flash tube extending from the base of the fuze to the base of the filling.
Gr.38 Hl/A and Gr.39 Hl/A — Granate Hohlladung pattern A. This is an improved design. It had a wider flash tube that did not extend beyond the liner apex and a longer ogive to give a greater stand-off distance. Both changes were to prevent interference with the formation of the plasma jet.
Gr.38 Hl/B and Gr.39 Hl/B — Granate Hohlladung pattern B. This design is externally the same as the pattern A. It had changes to the explosive filling in an attempt to produce a thicker plasma jet that would be more resistant to the spin of the projectile.
Gr.97/38 Hl/B — Granate Hohlladung pattern B. This is a German designed and manufactured round for the Pak 97/38, except that the case and charge were captured French stocks for the French 75mm gun model 1897. The projectile is a normal hollow charge pattern B design.
Gr.38 Hl/C and Gr.39 Hl/C — Granate Hohlladung pattern C. This design is externally the same as the pattern A and pattern B. It had an additional inverted funnel in front of the explosive in a further attempt to counter the effects of the spin of the projectile on the formation of the plasma jet.
Gr.43 Hl — Granate Hohlladung. This is a German hollow charge projectile for the 7,5cm R.F.K.43. Although it has no pattern designation it is possible that it might be pattern A or B (or even C) due to the date of service (1943).
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