Glossary O

- O
- Oskolochnij — fragmentation. Prefix used for Soviet ammunition nomenclature. (Russian)
- (ö)
- österreichisch — Austrian. (German)
- obr.
- obraztsa — model. (Russian)
- obusier
- obusier — howitzer. (French)
- OE
- Obus Explosif — high explosive shell. (French)
- OF
- Oskolochno-Fugasnij — high explosive fragmentation. Prefix used for Soviet ammunition nomenclature. (Russian)
- OH
- Oskolochno-khimicheskij — chemical fragmentation. Prefix used for Soviet ammunition nomenclature. (Russian)
- OR
- Obus de Rupture — armour piercing shell. The use of obus (shell) should imply a cavity within the projectile, i.e. AP/HE, however nearly all OR projectiles are solid shot AP with no HE. Only the 37mm mle.1892 m.24 projectile is AP/HE. (French)
- overmatch
- Refers to the Thickness to Diameter ratio (T/D). For example, a projectile is said to overmatch the armour plate if T/D<1 (i.e., the diameter of the projectile exceeds the thickness of the armour plate), and undermatch if T/D>1. Generally when a projectile overmatches a plate the projectile benefits, and vice versa.
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