Logo from Scott Cunningham.
his glossary is for ammunition, gun and armour terms used in World War II. It includes abbreviations, acronyms and phrases, and translates foreign terms into English from Czechoslavakian, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish and Russian. Short explanations are provided for most terms.
Glossary terms are highlighted in this way. For some browsers, moving the mouse over the glossary term will display a tool tip giving a brief explanation. All browsers are able to select the term which will take you to the glossary page for a full explanation.
Can you help with translations? If you see any errors in spelling or translation of existing glossary entries, or if you could help with other translations that you think should be added, please e-mail GvA@wargamer.org. A big thank you to those who’ve helped with translations so far:
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Copyright © 1999 David Michael Honner. E-mail: GvA@wargamer.org.