Glossary C

- CA
- Contre Avions — anti-aircraft. (French)
- c.a.
- cannone anticarro — anti-tank gun. (Italian)
- cannone
- cannone — gun. Implies high velocity. (Italian)
- cannone contracarro
- cannone contracarro — anti-tank gun. (Italian)
- canon
- canon — gun. Implies high velocity. (French)
- carro
- carro — vehicle. Implies little or no armour. (Italian)
- carro armato
- carro armato — armoured vehicle or tank. (Italian)
- cartouche
- cartouche — cartridge or round. Used for smaller calibres up to 25mm. (French)
- coax
- Coaxial. Used to describe the position of a secondary weapon (usually a MG) as being mounted in the same axial direction as the main armament.
- c.r.h.
- Calibre radius head. The head of a projectile is often an ogive shape. The radius of the ogive is given in calibres and usually lies between 1 and 2, although smaller calibres such as rifle bullets may have a larger radius.
- C.S.
- Close Support.
- coiffé avec f. ogive
- coiffé avec f. ogive — capped with frangible(?) nose cone. Used for APCBC(?) projectiles. The meaning of the “f.” is unknown. I have speculated that it is an abbreviation for either frangible or figurant (extra) to indicate the prescence of a ballistic cap, and that coiffé (cap) refers to a penetrating cap. However it is possible that the entire phrase is a description of the penetrating cap and that the projectile is therefore only APC instead of APCBC. If you have any information about this please send an e-mail to (French)
- coiffé sans f. ogive
- coiffé sans f. ogive — capped without frangible(?) nose cone. Used for APC projectiles. The meaning of the “f.” is unknown. I have speculated that it is an abbreviation for either frangible or figurant (extra) to indicate the abscence of a ballistic cap, and that coiffé (cap) refers to a penetrating cap. If you have any information about this please send an e-mail to (French)
- cwt
- Hundredweight. An Imperial unit of measure. One hundred and twelve pounds made up one hundredweight; twenty hundredweights made an Imperial (or long) ton. In Metric terms one hundredweight is 50.80kg.
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