Logo from Scott Cunningham.
Jentz, Thomas L. Germany’s Panther Tank. The Quest for Combat Supremacy. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1995. Another very detailed book from Jentz, with plenty of first hand reports from the troops that used the Panther.
———. Panzer Truppen. The Complete Guide to the Creation & Combat Employment of Germany’s Tank Force, 1933–1942. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1996. This is Volume 1 of 2, the second book is listed below. An incredibly detailed description of the organisation and use of Germany’s Panzer forces from platoon to divisional level. It includes many combat and experience reports which are used to relate the thoughts of the troops that fought in the Panzers. As the emphasis is on the organisation of the Panzer forces there is not very much information on particular tanks (these are covered more thoroughly in other books by Jentz).
———. Panzer Truppen. The Complete Guide to the Creation & Combat Employment of Germany’s Tank Force, 1943–1945. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1996. This is Volume 2 of 2, the first is listed above. The comments above apply equally for this volume, a superb book on the organisation of the Panzer Truppen.
———. Tank Combat in North Africa. The Opening Rounds. Operations Sonnenblume, Brevity, Skorpion and Battleaxe February 1941–June 1941. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1998. If you are looking for a book that covers quite a few tanks and you can only afford one by Jentz, get this one. It covers British, German and Italian forces and includes most tanks used in the early years of the Second World War. Another superbly detailed book from Jentz.
Jentz, Thomas L. and Hilary L. Doyle. Germany’s Tiger Tanks. D.W. to Tiger I: Design, Production & Modifications. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2000. This is part one of a three volume series covering the Tiger tanks.
———. Germany’s Tiger Tanks. VK45.02 to Tiger II: Design, Production & Modifications. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1997. This is part two of a three volume series covering the Tiger tanks.
Jentz, Thomas L. Germany’s Tiger Tanks. Tiger I & II: Combat Tactics. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1997. This is part three of a three volume series covering the Tiger tanks.
Jentz, Thomas L. and Hilary L. Doyle. Panzer Tracks No.4. Panzerkampfwagen IV — Grosstraktor to Panzerbefehlswagen IV. Darlington, Maryland: Darlington Productions, 1997.
Krogfus, Miles. “World War II AP”. AFV News 31, no. 2.
———. “World War II HVAP”. AFV News 33, no. 1.
Leulliot, Nowfel. France 1940. September 1999. Available [Online]: <http://members.tripod.com/~France40/index.html> [7 September 2000]. A bilingual site on the French armed forces in 1940, as well as some information about the post June 1940 period in France.
Livingston, Robert. E-mail correspondence with the author. 1999–2000. Some of the more interesting information on this web site comes from unpublished work done by Robert Livingston and Lorrin Bird. They have kindly allowed me to extract extensively from this data. As I cannot provide a bibliography to a published source, I have provided a short biography instead:
Robert Livingston is a psychologist by profession, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Design received from the College of Engineering at the University of Bridgport (Connecticut, USA) in 1973. Robert’s armour expertise comes from a lifelong course of amateur study, with some hands on experience shaping steel as a professional model maker and as an amateur machinist. He has played war games since 1965, and his inquiries into projectiles and armour came about through attempts to make the war games more realistic. Robert has published several articles in AFV News. His list of articles includes the results of research into cast hull Shermans, and into the exact configuration of the Tiger Ausf.E mantlet. Robert is currently writing a book on armour penetration in collaboration with Lorrin Bird.
Lorrin Bird is a Civil Engineer by profession, and his interest in exterior and terminal ballistics is pursued as a labour of love. He has supplied the more mathematical approaches to the collation and interpretation of all the data amassed by himself and Robert Livingston. Lorrin has also published several articles in AFV News under separate authorship. Lorrin is currently writing a book on armour penetration in collaboration with Robert Livingston.
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