Logo from Scott Cunningham.
Matheson, Dwayne. Dwayne’s ASL Page. March 2000. Available [Online]: <http://www.telusplanet.net/public/ddmath/> [7 September 2000]. This site is aimed at players of the wargame Advanced Squad Leader. Dwayne has kindly given permission for some of his photographs to be used on this site.
Ogorkiewicz, Richard M. Technology of Tanks. Coulsdon, Surrey: Janes Information Group Ltd., 1991. 2 vols. This is an excellent overview of tank development and design, with emphasis on modern designs. Make the effort to find a copy for yourself any way that you can.
Okun, Nathan. Table of Metallurgical Properties of Naval Armor and Construction Materials. 5 March 1998. Available [Online]: <http://www.skypoint.com/~jbp/metalprp.htm> [24 August 2000]. This very dense web page contains a wealth of information on armour. Although its emphasis is on Naval armour it still has vast explanations of metallurgy in general and armour manufacture in particular, that are equally applicable to tank armour.
Olsson, Thorleif. Red Steel. January 1999. Available [Online]: <http://www.algonet.se/~toriert/introduction.htm> [7 September 2000]. This site was useful for information on a few Soviet vehicles not covered by the Russian Military Zone. This is a very good web site in its own right and although overshadowed by the much larger Russian Military Zone is well worth visiting. It is useful to compare data from different sources where possible and there is not that much available on Soviet equipment. Thorleif has kindly given permission for some of his photographs to be used on this site.
Parada, George. Achtung Panzer! January 1999. Available [Online]: <http://www.achtungpanzer.com/panzer.htm> [7 September 2000]. This site provides the same level of comprehensive information about German tanks and the history of their development as the Russian Military Zone provides for Soviet equipment. I did not need to rely on this site for much of the technical data as there are many book references that I used instead, but it is a good resource for photographs and development history. George has kindly given permission for some of his photographs to be used on this site.
Pike, John. Federation of American Scientists Military Analysis Network — Land Warfare Systems. August 2000. Available [Online]: <http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/index.html> [7 September 2000]. This site can only be described as vast. It deals with modern weapons so is of less interest to this web site, however I have used a few photographs of modern weapons for some articles in the Background Information section.
Potapov, Valeriy. Russian Military Zone. September 2000. Available [Online]: <http://history.vif2.ru/> [7 September 2000]. This site presents a great deal of information on Soviet artillery and armour and were used extensively as the source for Soviet data. Each tank or gun is reviewed with many photographs and historical data. There are also documents from Soviet archives, many translated into English. Valeriy has kindly given permission for some of his photographs to be used on this site.
Reits, Eric. Panzer Page von Reitsch. May 1999. Available [Online]: <http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/8662/home.html> [7 September 2000]. The illustrated history of German tanks in World War II. This is a smaller site than Achtung Panzer! but is nicely presented and well worth visiting. Eric has kindly given permission for some of his photographs to be used on this site.
Roberts, Paul. Museum Ordnance Special Number 10 — Valentine Infantry Tank. Darlington, Maryland: Darlington Productions Inc., 1996.
Russ, John C. Visualizations in Materials Science. No date. Not available [Online]: <http://vims.ncsu.edu/Contents/Ch.06/Section.III/Brinell.html> [27 May 1999]. This site was the source for the diagram describing the calculation of a Brinell Hardness Number. Professor John C. Russ, Materials Science and Engineering Department of the North Carolina State University, has kindly given permission for his diagram to be used on this site.
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Copyright © 1999 David Michael Honner. E-mail: GvA@wargamer.org.