Copyright © 1999 David Michael Honner. All surfaces are RHA unless otherwise noted.
1. T–26. Source: Russian Military Zone. The T–26 obr.1931 had two turrets each with one DT MG. Later models had only one turret. [up]
2. T–27. Source: Red Steel. [up]
3. T–37. Source: Jentz, Thomas L: Panzer Truppen Vol 1 and Red Steel. Red Steel gives armour as 4–9mm, Jentz gives a detailed breakdown as shown. [up]
4. T–38. Source: Red Steel. I have tentatively specified this as riveted because “…this machine closely resembled the original T–37”
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Copyright © 1999 David Michael Honner. E-mail: GvA@wargamer.org.