Copyright © 1999 David Michael Honner. All surfaces are RHA unless otherwise noted.
1. Pz.Kpfw.II. Source: Jentz, Thomas L: Panzer Truppen Vol 1; Jentz, Thomas L: Tank Combat in North Africa and Achtung Panzer! Only 110 Pz.Kpfw.II Ausf.a to Ausf.c were built as pre-production vehicles, but they remained in service until 1941. The references often have 15mm of armour instead of 14.5mm. It is likely that the 15mm given in the references should be 14.5mm but is rounded up for brevity, as the Germans only had a specification for armour up to 14.5mm, and armour 16mm or greater, but none for 15mm thick armour plate. I have used 14.5mm in preference to 15mm where it is quoted in at least one of the references. [up]
2. Pz.Kpfw.II mit Zusatzpanzerung. Source: Jentz, Thomas L: Panzer Truppen Vol 1; Jentz, Thomas L: Tank Combat in North Africa and Achtung Panzer! The modification of Ausf.A to C added extra armour (Zusatzpanzerung) to the front surfaces and was carried out at ordnance depots from early 1940. Jentz does not say whether it was also carried out for the Ausf.a to c but presumably this is possible. The additional armour on the hull front changed its look from a rounded nose to an angular one. The armour scheme thickness values for Ausf.D to G are probably the same as the Ausf.A to C mit Zusatzpanzerung, but I have quoted them as presented in the references. [up]
3. Pz.Kpfw.II Luchs. Source: Jentz, Thomas L: Panzer Truppen Vol 1; Jentz, Thomas L: Tank Combat in North Africa and Achtung Panzer! The armour scheme thickness values for the Luchs is probably the same as the Ausf.A to C mit Zusatzpanzerung, but I have quoted them as presented in the references. [up]
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Copyright © 1999 David Michael Honner. E-mail: GvA@wargamer.org.