Copyright © 1999 David Michael Honner. Based on Soviet specifications unless otherwise noted.
1. M–10S, M–10T, M–10 obr.1938, and D–1 obr.1943. Source: Jentz, Thomas L: Panzer Truppen Vol 1; Russian Military Zone and Red Steel. The D–1 howitzer obr.1943 was an M–10 barrel fitted on to an M–30 gun carriage, so it has the same ballistic data as the M–10 howitzer. The M–10T in the KV–2 was not issued with AP ammunition but used a 40kg anti-concrete projectile instead. The AP projectile is referred to as a naval semi-AP round model 1915/28. [up]
2. ML–20S and ML–20 obr.1939. Source: Russian Military Zone and Red Steel. The penetration data does not specify which ammunition type it refers to. The muzzle velocity has a question mark “?” indicating this is for an unknown projectile (i.e., not necessarily the BR–540 or BR–540B). The ML–20S had a very low rate of fire (2 rounds per minute). The barrel length is L29 for those guns without a muzzle brake and L31.9 with a muzzle brake. [up]
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