German page

German Gun Accuracy 37mm calibre

Name Calibre/
Projectile Accuracy (%)
Type Name Weight
Vel (m/s)
Range (m)
 500  1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
3,7cm Pak 35/36, and
3,7cm Pak 162(i) [V] [1]
Italy: Cannone contracarro da 37/45
Japan: 37mm AT Gun Type 97
37mm/L46.5 AP Pzgr. 0.685 745 Dispersion 100 90 47      
Firing 95 47 15      

Copyright © 1999 David Michael Honner. Based on the probability of hitting a 2.5m × 2m target.
For the definition of “Dispersion” and “Firing” tests see the Introduction to Weapons Data page.
All guns achieve 100% for both types of firing tests at 100m range.

Weapon Data Presented Elsewhere

4cm Pak 92(e). These were captured British 2–pounder anti-tank guns. Large numbers were left behind after Dunkirk and the Germans used them mainly for coastal defence.


1. 3,7cm Pak 35/36 and 3,7cm Pak 162(i). Source: Jentz, Thomas L: Tank Combat in North Africa. The accuracy is specified only for the Pak 36 in the reference but it is likely that the accuracy for the other anti-tank guns would be the same as they were virtually identical. Although the 3,7cm Kw.K. is ballistically the same as the Pak 36, other calibres show a marked difference in the accuracy between tank and anti-tank guns (see the German 88mm accuracy data table as an example), so I have not included it in the table above. [up]

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German page
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