Copyright © 1999 David Michael Honner. Based on USA specifications unless otherwise noted.
†For the effective range of HEAT projectiles see the USA Weapons Data page.
1. 90–mm Tank Gun M3. Source: Hunnicutt, R. P.: Pershing: A History of the Medium Tank T20 Series. There were only limited quantities of APBC and APCR projectiles available for Pershings in Europe. The APC M82 (late) APCBC projectile had an increased muzzle velocity due to a greater propellant charge but few rounds reached the troops in time for use in World War II. Note that although the penetration of the APBC and APCBC projectiles is similar, the APBC could penetrate the Panther glacis (80mm at 55°) at up to 1,006m range, whereas the APCBC projectile could only do so at up to 411m range, due to the different effects of slope on the two types of projectile. The 90–mm Tank Gun M3 was highly accurate; after some practice on the firing range consistent hits could be achieved at a range of 572m using German helmets as targets. The APBC projectile was a solid shot round with no explosive filler. [up]
2. 90–mm Tank Gun T15E2. Source: Hunnicutt, R. P.: Pershing: A History of the Medium Tank T20 Series. Ammunition was separate loading so the rate of fire was lower. The APBC projectile was a solid shot round with no explosive filler. [up]
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Copyright © 1999 David Michael Honner. E-mail: GvA@wargamer.org.